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row of Victorian houses in london

How do 

Prior approval is a process where landowners must obtain confirmation from the local planning authority before starting certain types of permitted development projects. This ensures that the proposed work meets specific criteria and does not negatively impact the surrounding area or neighbours.


Prior approval is necessary for projects that might fall within permitted development rights but still require scrutiny to assess potential effects. While permitted development rights allow certain types of minor works to be carried out without any need for planning permission, prior approval requires a limited level of oversight from the local planning authority (LPA).

There are many different types of permitted development rights which require prior approval from the local planning authority. Some popular permitted development rights, which require prior approval include but are not limited to:

Class A: Larger Home Extensions

Class MA: Commercial to residential

Class Q: Agricultural building to residential

Class R: Agricultural building to commercial​

The prior approval process will not grant express planning permission but instead will determine whether a planning permission is needed or not. If planning permission is not required, prior approval will be given. If prior approval is not given, then planning permission will be required.

How do I obtain prior approval?

Whilst a planning application is not necessary to submit a prior approval application, a submission is still required to the local planning authority to demonstrate that your proposals are compliant with the relevant regulations of the permitted development rights you are intending to implement.

The LPA must make a decision within a set timeframe, typically 56 days from the application submission. The possible outcomes are:

Approval: If the LPA is satisfied that the development meets the criteria, they grant prior approval, allowing the project to proceed.

Refusal: If the proposal fails to meet the necessary criteria, prior approval is refused, and the applicant must either revise the plans or submit a full planning application.

Deemed Approval: If the LPA does not make a decision within the specified timeframe, prior approval is automatically granted, and the development can proceed.

grade ii listed building
single storey rear extension planning permission

What are the possibilities and benefits when carrying out a single storey extension?

Single-storey extensions provide a versatile way to expand your home without the complexities of multi-level construction. Here are some common uses and design ideas:

How can we help?

At G2, we offer expert opinions and advice on whether you can achieve prior approval for your property and how to do so effectively. With our extensive experience, we provide guidance on preparing, submitting, managing, and obtaining prior approval for our clients.

How can we help?

At G2, we offer expert opinions and advice on whether you can achieve prior approval for your property and how to do so effectively. With our extensive experience, we provide guidance on preparing, submitting, managing, and obtaining prior approval for our clients.

How do I obtain prior approval?

Whilst a planning application is not necessary to submit a prior approval application, a submission is still required to the local planning authority to demonstrate that your proposals are compliant with the relevant regulations of the permitted development rights you are intending to implement.

The LPA must make a decision within a set timeframe, typically 56 days from the application submission. The possible outcomes are:

Approval: If the LPA is satisfied that the development meets the criteria, they grant prior approval, allowing the project to proceed.

Refusal: If the proposal fails to meet the necessary criteria, prior approval is refused, and the applicant must either revise the plans or submit a full planning application.

Deemed Approval: If the LPA does not make a decision within the specified timeframe, prior approval is automatically granted, and the development can proceed.

How can we help?

At G2, we offer expert opinions and advice on whether you can achieve prior approval for your property and how to do so effectively. With our extensive experience, we provide guidance on preparing, submitting, managing, and obtaining prior approval for our clients.

grade ii listed building

What are the possibilities and benefits when carrying out a single storey extension?

Single-storey extensions provide a versatile way to expand your home without the complexities of multi-level construction. Here are some common uses and design ideas:

grade ii listed building

Steps to planning your extension:

Initial Consultation: Discuss your ideas with a proffesional to understand feasibility, costs, and design options.

Design and Planning: Your proffesional will advise you as to whether your extension falls under permitted development or requires planning permission, you can then work together to develop detailed plans to submit to the council.

Building Regulations Approval: Following gaining consents from the council, it is advisable to have some detailed construction drawings produced, demonstrating compliance with Parts A-S of the UK building regulations. These will then be submitted to building control.

Party Wall Agreement: If necessary, obtain agreements from neighbour’s affected by the extension.

Construction: Following building control approval, hire a reputable builder and commence construction, ensuring all work is inspected and certified as per building regulations.

Completion: Once construction is finished, obtain a completion certificate from building control, confirming that the extension meets all regulatory requirements.


Single-storey extensions offer a fantastic opportunity to enhance your home’s living space and value. By understanding the planning and building regulations in the UK, you can navigate the process smoothly and create a functional, beautiful addition to your home. Whether you’re looking to expand your kitchen, add a new bedroom, or create a sunlit retreat, a single-storey extension can transform your living experience.


Single-storey extensions offer a fantastic opportunity to enhance your home’s living space and value. By understanding the planning and building regulations in the UK, you can navigate the process smoothly and create a functional, beautiful addition to your home. Whether you’re looking to expand your kitchen, add a new bedroom, or create a sunlit retreat, a single-storey extension can transform your living experience.

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